10 Underrated Practices for Long-Term Well-Being

Self-care is a personal journey that requires discipline & passion to transform yourself into a better version. Therefore, the practices should be tailored to fit your needs and adapt well to your ongoing lifestyle. Here are the some underrated men's self-care practices for long-term well-being:

Adequate Sleep

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It is necessary to sleep 8 hours a day to live a healthy and sustainable life. Recent studies have suggested with a poor sleep cycle, consisting of sleep of less than 5 hours, shortened life expectancy is observed. Netizens believe this fatigue can lead to future dementia-related diseases like Alzheimer which can impact the level of an individual's concentration.

Fix Posture

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Men often underestimate how maintaining a good posture can uplift their body language. A user says nothing is more sexier than a manly posture that exhibits confidence and authority. In addition, an individual commented that they should include walking and stretching exercises in their daily routine to fix their slouchy posture.

Another user said it reduces the risk of musculoskeletal problems like back pain, neck pain, and spine alignment. 

Healthy Nutrition

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Avoid having junk food, start eating healthy & maintain a diet plan that includes protein, carbs & healthy fats. Take balanced meals as eating meals in less & larger volumes can disturb the body's natural metabolism. A user reveals that processed foods take a lot of time to get digested, and an excessive amount of the body's energy goes into processing that food.


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Skincare is considered a feminine interest, but everybody is responsible for skin self-care. Drinking at least 2L of water daily is essential to keep the skin lively. The water is drawn into skin muscles, helping them fight acne and dull skin that gives a glow. On a social web, a user wrote that he believes in taking care of his skin by consuming a balanced diet and moderate exercise routine.

Another said you may invest in a cleanser (helps remove dirt and oil), an exfoliator (removes dead cells of the skin), and a moisturizer to avoid dryness.


Man with headphones
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Workout is an essential component of men's self-care. Add any workout routine to your lifestyle and lift five times a week. A user confessed that he started lifting weights to improve his physical health but has seen noticeable changes in his mental health with reduced stress. Another opined it is shameful for a man to grow without seeing the beauty and strength that his body is capable of.


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Setting clear goals motivates you to achieve milestones and helps track progress. Everyone has different goals & priorities that are supported by our level of efforts unparalleled from each other. In an online debate, a user comments that understanding priorities and goals is essential to maintain a work-life balance and a composed mental state.

Digital Detox

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Self-care is about more than just about looking great. It is also about thinking great. You may minimize your screen time and invest that time in reading books. Explore your interests and read personal development books that can shape your character into the best version of yourself.

Financial Health

Investor looking at laptop
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Step out of your comfort zone and enter the learning zone. Once you enter the learning zone, you either succeed or learn something that helps you climb up the next growth zone. A commentator suggests researching a skill that investing time in can become a source of income for you. With significant financial health, future uncertainties can be tackled efficiently.

Communication Skills

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Communication skills are a must-have when it comes to men's self-development. Everybody likes the company of someone who can communicate his ideas efficiently and effortlessly. People can practice mirror talk or journaling to reflect on their ideas and thoughts.

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Social Networking

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Create meaningful social networks that'll help you in the future. Spend your time wisely and hang out with people with a life purpose. On a web domain, a user says he was happy with his current social circle. Still, when he started an online business, his contacts had a small social presence. He started learning about networking and connecting with new people. This not only expanded his social circle but also gave a boost to his business.

“Trust Shattered” No One Will Ever Trust You Again If You Do These 10 Things

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Trust forms the foundation of any healthy and meaningful relationship. The delicate thread binds individuals together, fostering openness, vulnerability, and a sense of security. However, trust can be fragile and easily shattered by certain behaviors and actions. Recently people shared some of the fastest ways to lose trust in others.

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