Red Flags Everywhere: 10 Signs Someone Isn’t Worth Your Time

When looking for a partner or a friend, it is always ideal to look for gestures that might become an immense issue once they get close to you. It is better to keep your distance from them and not waste your potential on people who don't deserve it. You should watch out for some red flags before getting close to someone.

1. Self-Centered Talking

Woman bored as she listens to friend talk.
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Most of the time, people are keen to introduce themselves to people they meet by talking about their lives, etc., but it is unacceptable when they start exaggerating and not giving others a chance to speak. One of the users shared that talking all the time about themselves and having no interest in your perspective is a sign you should consider when meeting someone because you are not an audience just for that individual.

2. Being Rude to Servers and Retail Employees

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A user explained that some of the best advice they have heard is that a person who is nice to you but rude to the waiter is not a nice person. It is true and helps judge someone's character. Retail and customer service people do their jobs according to the rules. It is important to be nice to them. They are not controlling the situation and are trying to help you.

3. Anger Issues and Overpowering

Couple arguing at a restaurant on a date.
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People with anger issues and fragile egos tend to get angry, lose control over minor situations, and blame you for what is happening. A user said this is a huge red flag, and they get worse with time, so it's better to cut ties before it's too late. Multitudes with this concern often take hold of the situation by making you feel less and the primary basis for the problem, but they are the real cause in the first place.

4. Two Faced People

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One of the users described two-faced people enrages them. They suffer from similar gossip because their family always does it and considers it justifiable because they do not say it to someone's face. Still, they don't care now as they used to talk wrongly about each other. Multitudes with low self-image are much more likely to gossip, and when you walk away, they will do the same about you. 

5. Playing Victim Repeatedly

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Individuals like this drain energy and are annoying. They always play their victim card and will never accept their mistakes. On top of that, if presented with a solution to their suffering, they will not take it or consider it too hard. Our users elucidated that they had had a friend like this since childhood who never admitted their mistake. The massive ego is not the problem, but the perpetual victim mentality.

6. Not Respecting Boundaries

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Not respecting someone's personal space or ignoring their request to change the topic when uncomfortable is the rudest thing someone could do. Boundaries are expressly set when someone acts in a way you can't tolerate. But refusing to respect them should be a big no in your book. One individual justified that they don't mind if someone accidentally crosses the boundaries. Still, it annoyed them so much when they talked repeatedly about the boundaries and got waved off.

7. Contemplate Sensitive Topics Funny

Man is Suspicious of what woman is saying on a date.
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Some people take sensitive topics lightly and laugh at them like they're not a big deal. Words hold tremendous power when discussing sensitive issues. They clearly define how well-mannered they are. Individuals expressed that It takes a long time to see someone's true colors, further adding that they met a seemingly lovely lady at work, but during lunch, she made some mean comments about immigrants, and after that, they didn't talk to her. 

8. Littering

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One trait that makes anyone lose respect in your eyes is that certain people don't care what is right and wrong. They don't consider what effect littering would have on the environment. One user exemplified on an online platform that they started dating one guy, and everything was going great until one day, they were driving around the local forest, and he threw trash out of the window. On asked, he just laughed it off. After that, they didn't keep any contact with the person.

9. Backbiting

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It is never acceptable to disclose someone's sensitive secrets that you don't need to know and form an opinion about them when you are not sure of their situation. It is an absolute warning; if they gossip about other people, they will gossip about you to others. One of the users illustrated that they have a friend who forms assumptions about their other friends whom she doesn't know well, but when she meets them, she is their biggest fan. 

10. Making Others Feel Down

Woman being judged by mean at an office.
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Numerous obnoxious folks never have a sense of accomplishment. They always find shortcuts or cheat someone or the system to get what they need and never hesitate to make someone feel less or go further to insult them in the process to gain a sense of achievement. An individual expressed their point of view that this type of person will always find a way to steal the thing you offered while accepting it. It must be their principle.

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