10 Companies Destined for Trouble in the Next Decade

It is very common nowadays for a company on a throne to come to the floor. It does not take long for bad days to come. However, let's take a look at which companies are on the brink of exploding, but keep your fingers crossed for your favorites.

1. Airbnb

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Airbnb is the third connection for hosts and tenants. They make deals between them and receive their payments.

One commenter shared that their customer service is zero; they charge us extra fees for which we get nothing in return but disrespect.

Another stated the issue of an increasing price, refund policy, booking cancellation, unnecessary fees, rude behavior by hosts, and having to charge extra for cleaning. 

He finished his sentence by saying, “How long shall the mother's prayers avail to save her kid?”.

2. Victoria’s Secret

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Victoria’s Secret offers a huge collection of lingerie, swimsuits, body care & perfumes, but their lack of improvement in sizes, quality, and customer service caused their failure.

One replied that no difference has been seen in their standards for quite some time, but they have not refrained from charging more. “No one can escape their destiny.”

Another added that Victoria's Secret's reputation was high in the early years, but now it's all gone because of their low-quality lingerie.

3. Frontier Airline

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Frontier Airlines is known for cheap flights, but has it maintained its name in the airline industry and lived up to what it promised in its early?

An individual stated that no one can beat them in poorer customer service. Also, they don’t just charge you for accommodating weight but for everything, even for the breath you take during the flight.

Another contributor said it used to be cheap and nice, but now they made travel a nightmare.

4. Panera Bread

Panera Beard Location
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Panera Bread is a bakery located in America that serves a variety of food. They claim to provide healthier food to their customer, so why the complaining rate has been increasing as the day passes?

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A man said that Panera used to be his favorite place when he got to eat fresh and healthy food, but now it’s totally the opposite.

One Articulate complained that their food looked like they were catering to patients and the prices were like 5-star.

5. Crumbl Cookies

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Crumbl is a well-known bakery located in different regions of the US and Canada; it has received so much love for the constant evolution of its menu and taste.

Somebody said that if you intend to eat cookies, it means you're looking for a way to embrace death. Moreover, cookies were overpriced for such crap quality. 

Another said, Casually, I went to Crumble Bakery and ordered some cookies; those unbacked and excessive sugar made me sick for days.                                                         

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6. Claire’s

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Claire’s is an American company that offers a variety of jewelry & hair accessories. Their brand was meant to be “a girl's best friend,” but why did they fail to live up to it?

An individual quoted that they charge us high prices for their cheap jewelry accessories, which may become a heap of rubbish even before coming home.

Second, shared that their prices are sky-high, but they don't have the courage to pay their employees because his mother also worked there.

7. GameStop

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Are you a game lover? Then I bet you must be familiar with “GameStop.” GameStop is a well-known company for video games, software and hardware accessories, and electronic products, but what led to their downfall?

A person Stated that GameStop has lost its identity because its video games are nothing more than junk.

The second man responded that he has not seen any progress in their net sales since 2019. If it continues like this, they will be bankrupt soon.

8. Amazon

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Who is not familiar with this platform? Surely, everyone is. Amazon is an e-commerce platform where you find everything that you require, from personal care to household, from pet products to gadgets, and from men’s fashion to women's.

One contributor advised that Amazon should take action against sellers who take high prices, but their product does not even last for a week.

Another pointed out that Amazon sellers sell Chinese crap, which will cause users to lose interest in shopping.

9. Netflix

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There are multiple streaming apps, and Netflix is one of them. It offers almost everything that keeps the user engaged for hours, but its services make the user mistrustful.

A man shared that it seems like they are focusing on printing money instead of offering quality content. Their prices are skyrocketing, but their quality of services is deteriorating.

Another complaint is that Netflix no longer allows us to share passwords with others, which will surely decrease their users.

10. Twitter/X

Elon Musk
Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

Twitter? You might be surprised to see Twitter among the way-out companies, but it's a bitter truth that it's going to happen.

A commenter writes that Twitter used to be his favorite, but since Elon took the reins, the user experience has worsened due to unnecessary changes.

The second man responded you will see the fall of ‘X,’ formerly known as Twitter, very soon. Because it seems like a jerk holding a rope of it in his hand.

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Photo Credit: Adobe Stock.

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