15 Trends Millennials Refuse to Follow

Boomer traditions are getting old and out of trend. And it is hard for millennials to follow these trends anymore. That is why millennials are refusing to follow these trends. Here are some such bizarre and odd trends of boomers shared by people on an online platform.

1. Fax Machines

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Fax machines have lost their importance after the advent of technology. But some places still use them, and millennials can not help themselves to reduce the usage of this old thing.

2. Address Books

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Boomers used to keep mini address books with them, which contained important names and contact numbers on them. But now will not find any millennial carrying this book. Because they know carrying a mobile phone is enough.

3. Processed Food

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In the 1960s and 1970s, processed and canned food was very acceptable. People use to eat this food because they consider it saves time. Millennials avoid this processed food because they know it is poison to health.

4. Early Marriages

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Boomers favor early marriage because they argue about the right age for marriage. But the world has changed, and so have millennials. They argue that there is no right time for marriage but a right person. 

5. Gender Specification Roles

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Boomers follow the gender specification roles very strictly. For instance, men have to buy things, and women have to make food. But millennials have criticized this role specification. They help each other based on love and care.

6. Political Craze

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Boomers are very crazy about their affiliation with the political party. They get emotional and angry during political discussions. Millennials, on the other hand, admit that political discussion is normal.

7. Use of Plastic

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The current world is shifting toward sustainability. Millennials are voters of ‘no use of plastic and plastic products. And they are ready to oppose the boomer's plastic thing

8. Dependence on Retirement Pension

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Boomers depend on the pension amount to get settled in life. Ad this pension amount is available 65 years old. But millennials are finding multiple ways to earn money to get successful in their 30s.

9. Insurance

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Having life and car insurance is a compulsory part of boomers' life. But millennials think big than having insurance. That is why most millennials do not have insurance.

10. 9 to 5 Job Concept

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In the 1960s and 1970s, a 9 to 5 job was the perfect lifestyle. That is why boomers are satisfied with these timings. On the other hand, millennials are saying goodbye to these job timings because they want to do smart work.

11. Traditional Success Parameters

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From the point of view of boomers, the success parameters are odd. They think having a home at 65 and educated kids are indicators of success. But millennials do not accept these parameters. They consider achievements at an early age a success.

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12. Debt Is Compulsory

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Boomers think to make a house taking debt is very compulsory. This mindset does not allow them to think about earning big. But millennials can not accept debt to make for making a house. Because they know debt will harm their entire life. 

13. Consulting Manager To Complain

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One commentator stated that his grandfather has a habit of complaining about little things to the company's manager. He even complains if a 15-year-old burger assembler puts two pickles instead of three. But he will not follow him in this regard because he knows humans make mistakes.

14. Formal Attires Every Time

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Boomers promote formal attires every time. They have dedicated dresses for work, dinner, hangouts, and sleeping. Even for gardening, they have different dresses. Millennials think this is just a waste of time, finding, selecting, and changing the dress. Even today's workplaces provide relaxation in formal dress codes.

15. Craze About Facebook

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One may find Facebook on every boomer's mobile phone. One commentator stated that her grandmother doesn't know how to use a mobile phone but knows how to use Facebook very well. But millennials are getting away from Facebook. They argue that they do not have time to use it, and many other entertainment apps are available now.

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The society in which you live today has some specific norms. If you compare it to the Boomers' generation, you'll realize that you can't do everything that they did in their time. There are many things baby boomers enjoyed as a part of their childhood.

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