12 Things Older Folks Do That Younger Generations Can’t Fathom Doing

The generational gap is a thing that no one can deny. Looking at yourself and your elders, you'll see a few things you both do opposite. Sometimes, even old people do such things that seem so queer. Here are a few strange things that blow out youngsters' minds what old people do.

1. Cooking From Scratch

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People who visit their grandma or have a memory of seeing them in childhood will also remember them cooking from scratch. It feels so mind-blowing that old people can prepare any meal from scratch. They don't need any canned or processed items to make a dish. They will do everything manually and create an amazing meal. They even have some family recipes that are a generational thing. 

2. Maintaining Handwritten Journals & Letters

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A strange thing that old people do is write their diaries and journals and maintain them forever. And if they ever got a letter, they will save too. They will always try to keep these things forever. Young ones may not be able to get this, but old people have an emotional attachment to their items. These journals and letters give them a nostalgic vibe they want to keep forever. 

3. Fixing Things Instead of Replacing

Man fixing furniture
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Young ones find it most annoying that their parents or grandparents are not replacing a thing when it is getting out of order. Whenever such a situation occurs, they will fix the thing. It seems to be a vow they have taken to solemnly keep the item with them forever if they ever purchase it. But it is another emotional attachment that makes them fix those out-of-order things.

4. Keeping a Phone Directory

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Keeping a phone directory in the era of mobile phones? It is strange and more than weird. It even makes young people roll their eyes. They think that no matter how much the era change, our elders will always keep it traditional. Maybe they want to remember their old days when they always used a landline and a phone directory to call anyone. 

5. Wearing Formal Attire for Outing

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Whether you have an old person in your home or not, this is one thing all of you must have witnessed. You see a senior person in a park, picnic point, bus station, or airport. They are always wearing formal clothes. You will always see them wearing dress pants and a shirt. It seems odd that they never want to be seen informally anywhere outside their house. 

6. A Routine Set in Stone

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Another strangest thing about old people is their routine. They do everything at such a perfect time that if feel they have a routine set in stone. An unbreakable timetable that starts with a fixed morning and bedtime. They will take a bath exactly at the same time each day. Meal time is another fixed routine. This set routine gives an odd vibe.

7. Listening to Vinyl Records

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If you ask a young person about Vinyl records, they might not know. And if they know about it, they'll laugh at you for naming it to them because it's a digital era. Even new music devices are being transformed and upgraded. And if someone listens to Vinyl records today, they will be considered outcasts. That's why the young generation is disappointed when they hear old people listening to Vinyl records.

8. Keeping Strange Hobbies

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It's a fact that hobbies are not everyone's thing. Not everyone can indeed have a hobby. But still, a majority of the young generation have productive hobbies. But when they learn about the habits of old people, they are shocked. They keep strong hobbies such as knitting and crocheting. Watching them do these things, you will think, who does this for fun? It seems to be a separate kind of hard work, not a hobby.

9. Using Cash for Transactions

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Old people love traditions, and they do like to do everything traditionally. They will always keep cash with them. It will feel strange to the young ones as this is not the time for cash transactions. The whole world has shifted towards card transactions, but these old people still enjoy their way of doing things.

10. Sending Traditional Mails

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Writing emails with hands and traditionally sending them is another queer thing old ones do. Today, you can write a big mail with a few clicks of keys. You can even send a voicemail and get an instant answer to your mail. But they like to do this in their unique style. Maybe they do it for fun because this way they remember their time of youth.

11. Maintaining a Private Life

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Social media is a big trendy thing today. Young ones today seem to have no private life. They post everything on social media, and old people hate it. With a quick search on social media, you” ll find the very least minority of old people on social media. It is because they are conscious of their privacy. And they like to keep their life private, so they don't like social media. 

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12. Watching TV Broadcast 

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One of the strangest things old people do is watch and enjoy broadcast TV. It seems to be the most shocking thing how anyone can sit on a couch and enjoy daily broadcasts in the era of Netflix. Young people also enjoy seasons and shows, but sitting on the hall couch in front of a TV for broadcast TV is a big no.

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