10 Sustainable Lifestyle Trends More People Should Adopt

Every day, we make choices in our lives that impact the climate and ecosystem. What we buy, what we eat, and how we live impact our environmental footprint. Our actions matter, but we can’t change alone—we all have to gather to make a big difference for our planet. Ahead, there are ten sustainable lifestyle trends that everyone should follow in their lives.

1. Think Before Shopping

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Every product we buy impacts the environment, from materials to manufacturing to packaging; the process one product goes through ends up in landfills and incinerators. Even if you want to recycle the product and pass it to others after use, the upstream damage has already been done. Try to shop locally to avoid fuel burning. Before shopping, consider recycled or second-hand products to play a role in a sustainable, eco-friendly lifestyle.

2. Take Extinction off Your Plate

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New to the Culinary world? Why not try more veggie meals? Meat production is one of the largest environmentally destructive industries on the planet. Environmental footprint towards a plant-based diet greatly impacts your health, not only the environment. Plant-based diets rich in fruits, vegetables, grains, and legumes have numerous health benefits. Moreover, with the rise of food technology, plant-based diets have become more delicious and accessible, so consume a healthy and nutritious diet with the least food waste.

3. Buy Reusable Coffee Cups and Water Bottles

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Want to start eco-friendly living? First, stop buying one-time or plastic coffee cups and water bottles from outside. Remember to have your reusable coffee cup whenever you buy coffee; it helps cut off plastic waste. Always have your reusable water bottle at your side. It will save you money and a win for the planet. You promote a sustainable lifestyle with reusable coffee cups and water bottles.

4. Ditch Plastic; Use Reusable Items

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Plastic never goes away. Always try to avoid plastic; instead, look for reusable options. You can easily avoid plastic in simple ways. For example, shop with reusable cloth bags or disposable paper bags. Use reusable coffee cups, straws, and water bottles. Avoid packaged food while grocery shopping (look for unwrapped products).

Saying yes to reusable items is a simple and effective method of ditching plastic—every piece of plastic avoided is a win for the planet.

5. Save Energy and Water

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Being an Energy and Water saver will protect the planet and cut your cost. There are many simple ways to save energy by switching off lights and plugs when not in use, only boiling enough water as you need, covering pans while cooking to reduce heat energy and cost, and always washing your clothes at 30 degrees to cut your electricity bill by 40% and maintain the quality and life of the clothes. Similarly, you can be water-wise by taking short showers, fixing leaks ASAP, etc.

6. Donate Unwanted Items

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Do you have unwanted things and want to get rid of them? Here’s the best solution. Always donate the unwanted items you have, maybe household items, pre-loved clothes, tools, jewelry, books, kitchenware, electrical appliances, shoes, furniture, pottery, etc.. Look for a person who needs them and provide them to avoid litter in the world. You can help prevent waste while contributing to a charitable cause.

7. Choose Organic Products

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Organic practices prevent harmful and persistent chemicals from entering our lives. Always purchase sustainable, eco-friendly supplies for the home and kitchen, food items, beauty products, skincare, and many more daily-use items. Moreover, by prohibiting preservatives and fertilizers and absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, the organic agriculture sector helps reduce carbon footprint and brawl climate change. By choosing organic, you safeguard your family, community, environment, wildlife, and agriculture workers by preventing pesticides from entering our land and water. 

8. Drive Less, Drive Green

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Fossil-fueled transportation produces carbon dioxide, smog, soot, and other harmful greenhouse gases affecting our climate and earth. You can significantly impact this cause by upgrading to electric vehicles, walking, biking, carpooling, joining rides together, and prioritizing public transport. Combine your outdoor errands to avoid fewer trips, helping in reducing air pollution. Participate in or establish car-free days or weekends in your society and communities. Prioritize buying electric vehicles to avoid petroleum costs and carbon emissions. Driving less helps the planet to stay green. 

9. Set up a Community Garden

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Besides having many advantages, Urbanization keeps people distant from nature. The best possible way to be towards nature is through community gardens. People in communities try building a garden together, take care of them mutually, and interact and spend quality time with each other; this helps people come close together to nature and each other while participating in making the earth happy and green. They become institutional platforms where people of all ages gather and learn about farming, sustainability, and the significance of biodiversity.

10. Simplify the Festivities

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Festivities like birthdays, holidays, Christmas, and weddings are extravagant. This promotes wastage of many natural things, as on the occasions people gift each other different things with extra trash. It’s not only about trash but the natural sources like trees, decorations, and single-use crockery that make our celebrations dreary for wildlife and their habitat. Instead of using single-time decorations for celebrations next time, prioritize using foraged plants, give homemade or second-hand gifts, and serve plant-based delicious meals with reusable dinnerware.

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