Just Like Mom or Dad: 12 Inherited Traits People Wish They Could Change

Parents and children, without any doubt, have many things in common. The core reason for this is a person's genetic coding, which is most likely to get transmitted to their kids. That's why parents and kids have almost the same traits in many things. But there are a few traits that, if you passed one of these on to your kids, they definitely hate you. On an online platform, people shared some of those traits.

1. Male Pattern Baldness

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Baldness is something that is transmitted through genes. People with baldness will try hard to keep their hair. It's like a fight-or-flight response, but they are in the same position. You will be amazed that people hate this trait so much that they curse their genes for this.

2. Sweaty Hands

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Shaking hands is the first thing you do when you meet someone. In any gathering, it's unavoidable. Combine really sweaty hands with being socially active. It gives such a bizarre impression. It's hard even to create personal relationships because it involves a lot of touching. And you can't build them if they assume you're sweaty everywhere. Also, sweaty hands are disgustingly soft, so it's just a weird feeling to other people. Squishy, warm, and wet. A person called this trait “The Devil's Triad.”

3. Dementia

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Many people shared that Dementia is in their family genes. It's a chronic illness of a person losing mental capacity. Imagine entering your old age and start having the symptoms of Dementia. Ending your life with no brain capacity becomes one of your biggest fears. People even mentioned in the comments that it's better to die with dignity than with such an illness full of dependency.

4. Moles

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Moles look cute and make a person attractive. But having too many moles can make you more than funny. People start bullying you for your looks. A guy comments that he had a class fellow Chip in Junior School. He found later that his name was not Chip. Everyone called him Chip as a nickname because he had so many males that he looked like a chocolate chip.

5. Body Hair

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It's the most disliked trait among many others. People do not like to have a hairy body. If you have darker hair, it will be clearly seen. And even if you have pale skin, you will look even more hairier. A guy comments: I look like a carpet wrapped around a mannequin with my shirt off. Thanks for the gorilla genes, Dad.” You can imagine the kind of hate people have for this trait.

6. Temper

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A bad temper is one thing, and an explosive temper is another. You will be unable to comprehend why you suddenly had an angry outburst. Such a person may look nice, but if the anger comes out, you will not be able to recognize them. Coping with such outrage is a big task. People must go through meditation, therapy, and much more to control their rage issues.

7. Allergies

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Like many other traits, allergies are also the most unavoidable thing. You will have sudden outbursts of sneezing, hacking, and being miserable because of your allergy. These can be avoided by taking medications. A person comments: “It pisses me off every spring. They consciously decided not to pass this trait on to either of my siblings, just me.”

8. Anxiety and Depression

Little boy sitting alone on floor after suffering an act of bullying while children run in the background. Sad young schoolboy sitting on corridor with hands on knees and head between his legs.
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Mental health problems are the worst, which are passed through genes. Physical conditions start to show up in childhood, so they get treated and diagnosed. But unfortunately, mental illness can not be diagnosed at an early age. Children have to suffer a lot because of their genetic makeup. And when they grow up and find these conditions, such as anxiety and depression, as genetically transferred traits, they hate their parents for it.

9. Unibrow

Displeased angry woman blocking offer, showing cross stop gesture, saying no and shaking head in negative reply, standing over pink background
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Being a person with a unibrow definitely impacts your personality. You are a different person with and without the unibrow. They are annoyed at their unibrow genes even if it's a male or female. Girls at least have the advantage of removing the unibrow with brow shaping. But a few males also struggle to pick up their unibrow hair. 

10. Everything Ought To Be Neatness

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Unlike many other traits, it's something that comes with genes and learned behaviors. People say that they have been neat freaks and like everything around them as neat because they knew and saw their parents doing it. Their parents would overdo the cleanliness to make sure everything was clean enough. It made them paranoid that something was wrong and should be a little cleaner. 

11. Being Argumentative

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Arguing with people is like standing up for the right cause. You must often do it because it nourishes your self-value. But being instinctively argumentative about everything around you is not a good trait. You will definitely pass it to your kids if you argue about stupid things. Your kids will not at all welcome you for adding this to their personality.

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12. Acne

Teenager with acne looking in mirror
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Your face is the first body part anyone notices about you. Having acne on your face can ruin your confidence. It is also a genetically passed trait. Imagine you are 36 and still getting spots despite careful daily face-washing, keeping clean pillowcases, and exfoliation. It sure can leave you cursing your acne genes.

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