Parents Have Secrets Too: 12 Messed Up Stories Shared Online

Parents do have deep secrets. It is sometimes related to their own life and sometimes concerning kids. Here are some stories shared by people about the secrets of parents.

1. Sleeping Pills

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One mother confesses on an online platform about her secret. She shared that she gives sleeping pills to her 7-year-old kid. She does so to attend her parties and to join her friend circle, as she was a single mother. Now she regrets it and wants to tell him the truth.

2. Adopted

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The most hurtful truth that can be revealed to a kid is that he is adopted. One couple shared that they adopted a kid. And then, after one year, they had their own son. And now they have four kids, one assumed. Sometimes they feel like opening the secret, and sometimes, they decide to go with it.

3. Divorced

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A boy admits that he learned their parents were divorced when he was 12 years old. That is why his father comes to visit home only on weekends. And he was told that he worked in another city and had a strict job. And still, no one steps forward to open this secret, which he already knows by sneaking.

4. Weed Business

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One young boy shared that it was his 18th birthday when he was opened to a big secret from his family. His father stepped into his room that night. And tell him that now he has to contribute his services to the family business. His father handed him a packet of weed and told him they had smuggled it for their living. He added this birthday changed his perspective on life.

5. Mother Is Not Dead

Mom with her tween daughter relaxing in bed, positive feelings, good relations.
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One man of 57 years old shared that he had a domestic dispute at their home 12 years back. And his wife left the house without their only daughter. He married another woman. And their daughter was told that her mother died when she was two years old. And this lie was supported by all family members. But now his daughter has come to know that his mother is alive. And she hates everyone now.

6. Dropping Off

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A woman admits that he tried her best to drop off her eight months son. She extended that it was a planned baby. But after his birth, his dad changed his mind and decided to leave her. He got a new girlfriend at that time. She tried to get rid of her son many times but failed. Now he is 19 years old. Thus, she regrets her and wants to confess it all to her son.

7. Half Siblings

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One man stated that when he married the love of his life, he had a baby boy. His girlfriend also has a baby girl from a past marriage. And both kids were under one year age. They married and accepted both kids. Now they consider that both parents are their biological parents. And both kids are biological siblings. But the reality is that they are half-siblings.

8. No Biological Mother

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It is claimed by a man on an online platform that they have two daughters. But they are a product of surrogacy. So they do not resemble their mother. And they have considerable differences in color and hair texture from their mother. They usually ask why they are not like their mother. And he always replies to him that because you are the dad's princess.

9. Mom Killed Grandpa

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One harsh truth about a family is opened by a boy in comments. He stated that when he was 12 years, he saw his mother hitting his grandfather. He added he had a good understanding capacity at that age. Thus he comprehended that his grandfather was raping his mother for a year. And it was pretended to be a natural death. My mother does not know that I know.

10. Secret Birthday Flowers

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This story was shared by a kid but not by a parent. He expresses that his father left them, him and his mother, when his mother was diagnosed with cancer. It's been ten years. And every year, he sends flowers and gifts on his birthday. And after ten years, he came to know that it was his mother who sent all this, pretending as if his fathers cared about him.

11. Millions Dollars Lottery

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This is the most hilarious story. Or it could be an absurd thing that parents can hide. A couple shared they were blessed with a lottery of 12.5 million dollars. Only they knew about this and the government. They hide this from their kids to save money for their future.

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12. Father Took His Life

Woman crying at funeral.
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One woman shared that she has four kids. Their father died 15 years ago. It was a car accident. But the reality is he was charged with a heavy bribe. And he was sentenced to lifetime prison. Before getting arrested, he took his own life. She added that she would never tell her kids about this.

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