10 Behaviors Women Wish Men Would Drop

Men often spend time and effort on their appearance and manners to attract the opposite gender but then neglect to fix their bad habits. Here are the top 10 bad habits men need to stop doing immediately.

1. Stop Peeing on the Seat and Floor

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One user confessed, “My husband and I go round and round because he goes pee in the middle of the night without his glasses on and always pees a little on my squatty potty, and then it dries, and I end up having to scrub it off.”

2. Stop Pretending You Don't Know How To Do Housework

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“I recently loaded a dishwasher, even put the pod into it and selected a program, when my boyfriend came into the kitchen to make himself a sandwich.” one user stated.

“I asked when he was done if he could put the plate and utensils into the dishwasher and then just hit the start button. Cue the deer in the headlights look. This man has a master's degree and works in IT, and it's a dishwasher, not a rocket launcher.”

3. Stop Treating Women Like They're a Different Species

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One user said, “Treating women like a totally different species from yours. We have your exact human needs, even if our biology and upbringing are different. We have personalities, needs, and wants. We make mistakes and have the same moral failings all humans have. We're not codes to be cracked.”

4. Stop Following Your Friends

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One user begged, “Please stop going along with your friends when they make demeaning remarks about women. So many of you know it's wrong but laugh about it anyway because you're afraid to call out a guy saying stuff like this.”

“It doesn't make it any better when you privately tell us later that you disagree with that kind of thing. It just makes you look like a coward.”

5. Stop Being Condescending

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“Often when you join an interest or express interest in a subject, men get this weird need to mentor you.” One user explained, “It's like they try to adopt you and put themselves into a position of being your teacher.”

“It's especially annoying if you actually are well-versed in the subject, but they assumed you must be a beginner compared to them.”

6. Stop Telling Me to Smile

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“You're so much prettier when you smile. Makes me want to start swinging.” One user confessed. “They tell you to smile and call you rude if you don't, but if you smile, they think it's flirting, and you get blamed for leading them on.”

7. Stop Holding Women to Beauty Standards

Man stressed
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One user responded, “Stop holding women to standards like hygiene, looks, weight, and intimate past. You can't even meet yourself. You don't shave? Then don't expect women to. Have you had multiple intimate partners? Then your potential partner shouldn't be shamed by you if she also has had multiple intimate partners.”

“Don't want to use birth control? Then don't expect the women to be responsible for controlling it. I see this so much in men. They think they deserve the best of the best women, yet they walk around with unkempt hair and unshaven.”

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8. Stop Touching Without Consent

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“Apparently, working in retail means, I wear a neon sign that says, please put your full hand on my hip to indicate you would like to move around me, sir. Or take my hand when I reach for change?” one user complained.

Another user responded, “I was out with my friends at a restaurant while pregnant. This drunk man they knew from this restaurant would not stop touching me. My belly, my shoulders, trying to hug me. It's not OK to touch someone without knowing if it's OK.”

9. Stop Being So Shallow

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One user replied, “Stop being shallow and then complaining that no women will give you a chance. Look, I know I'm a bigger girl, but that doesn't mean I don't have good things to offer.”

“I've been friends with many nerdy guys who complain that no girls ever go out with them. I'd be willing to give them a chance, and then they turn me down because I'm not hot enough for them. If you want a girl to give you a chance, be willing to give others a chance too.”

10. Stop Acting Strong

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One user stated, “I don't want a man who hides his feelings from me just not to be weak. A man who can show his feelings is way stronger than any man who says to others that they are weak if they show feelings or that they aren't perfect if they don't have a body full of muscles.”

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